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Georgia voting rights activist Stacey Abrams testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday as she and others accused her state's new voting law of being racist.

A college football coach has been fired after calling Stacey Abrams 'Fat Albert' and 'Big Girl' on Twitter (Meredith Cash) 1/7/2021 FedEx workplace shooting deadliest since. — Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) November 6, 2020 Abrams activism has left voters feeling empowered enough to cast their ballots and apparently cause a possible groundbreaking change in Georgia.

  1. Chris Malone has since deleted his Twitter account, but images of the post show he mocked voting rights advocates Stacey Abram’s weight, adding an accusation of election fraud that has been.
  2. Stacey Abrams opens her book, Our Time Is Now, with an anecdote about talking to her grandmother in 2018 when she was making her run for governor. The Georgia Democrat’s grandmother grew up in.

Sen. Ted Cruz grilled Stacey Abrams during a Senate hearing over claims that her run for Georgia governor was “stolen” from her through voter suppression.

“The percentage of black Georgians who are registered to vote in 2018 is 64.7%. That compares to 60.2% as the national average, the percentage of Georgians who voted in 2018, the election you claim was stolen from you, was 56.3%. That's higher than the national average of 48%,' Cruz told Abrams on Tuesday.

'Let me ask you this, Miss Abrams. In 2018, do you know which demographic group in Georgia had the highest registration percentage and the highest turnout percentage?'

She deferred to Cruz on the answer, who told her: “The answer is African Americans had the highest registration and the highest turnout despite your claiming that the election was stolen and there was somehow voter suppression.'

Senator @TedCruz presses @staceyabrams on her claims that the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election was 'stolen' and refusal to concede that race.

— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) April 20, 2021

Abrams has contended that Republican Gov. Brian Kemp won the 2018 gubernatorial race in Georgia by using 'deliberate and intentional' voter suppression. Abrams, now a voting rights activist, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to contend that her state’s new voting integrity law disenfranchises black voters.

“You still refuse to concede that you lost the race for governor in Georgia in 2018. You have said that quote, you 'do not concede that the process was proper.' And that quote, ‘They stole it from the voters of Georgia.’ Yes or no: Today, do you still maintain that the 2018 Georgia election was stolen?” Cruz asked Abrams earlier during her testimony.


“As I've always said, I acknowledged at the very beginning that I did. Brian Kemp won under the rules that were in place, but I object to our rules that permitted thousands of Georgia voters to be denied their participation in this election, without their votes cast out,” Abrams responded. “But I will continue to advocate for a system that permits every eligible Georgian to cast their ballots.”

Cruz followed up by asking her to “please answer the question I asked, which is to use yes or no. Do you still maintain the 2018 election was stolen, that's your language?”

“My full language was that it was stolen from the voters of Georgia. We do not know what they would have done because not every eligible Georgian was permitted to participate fully in the election,” she responded.

Tags:News, Stacey Abrams, US Senator Ted Cruz, Voter Registration, voter turnout, Voter ID Laws, Georgia

Original Author:Emma Colton

Original Location:Cruz grills Stacey Abrams on claim Georgia election was 'stolen' from her through voter suppression in tense exchange

His Fraudulency Joe Biden barely walked away with Georgia’s electoral votes in 2020. Stacey Abrams nearly won the state’s 2018 gubernatorial race. Both would like to win Georgia in coming elections and now both, due to their shameless and deliberate lies, have screwed Georgia and its citizens out of Major League Baseball’s (MLB) All-Star game, which was set to generate at least $100 million.

The irony, however, is that it is the Democrat-run city of Atlanta that’s going to take the $100 million wipe-out in the neck, that’s going to lose all that money — money that could have done tremendous good in a city ravaged by the pandemic.

Stacey abrams contact info

Well, thanks to the Democrat voters of Atlanta, their own city has just been hit with a second pandemic: a pandemic of lies that wiped $100 million in revenue and spending right off the table. All those jobs… All those customers for struggling small businesses…

Stacey Abrams Tweet Firing

Well, all I can say is LOL.

Atlanta has not had a Republican mayor in nearly 150 years. Atlanta also helped put Biden in the White House. And Atlanta is where Abrams’ power base lies. Yes, the Democrat morons of Atlanta helped to create these two monsters and now the Democrat morons of Atlanta are reaping what they sowed.

Did I mention LOL?

This $100 million massacre is the result of only one thing: Atlanta’s idiot Democrats empowering Biden and Abrams — two shameless racial arsonists and liars.

Georgia passed a perfectly reasonable voter integrity bill that, in many ways, expanded the opportunity to vote. At the same time, it instituted vital safeguards, such as voter ID, something popular with 70 percent of the American people, including black Americans.

But these two racial demagogues and serial liars lied and lied and lied and lied about this bill. They claim it cut early voting hours — lie. They claim water could not be given to people waiting in line to vote — lie. They claim it restricted absentee voting — lie.

And now it’s all backfired right in Democrat-run Atlanta’s stupid face. The racial arsonists intimidated the pantywaists and Nancy-boys in corporate America and then MLB picked up and moved its All-Star game to Boulder, Colorado, a state that also requires voter ID, a state with fewer early voting days… And all I can say is LOL.

Oh, and now that it’s too late, Joe Biden — the racial demagogue who, just like Abrams, called Georgia’s new law “Jim Crow” (even though Biden’s home state of Delaware has even more restrictive voting laws) and said he would back an All-Star boycott — is blaming others for his wicked handiwork.

“He was not dictating for what Major League Baseball should do, that they should — dictating they should move the All-Star game,” White House Press Secretary Lyin’ Ginger said on Monday. “That was their decision, they made that decision, and as he stated earlier he certainly supports that.”

Where Is Stacy Abrams Today

Yeah, because “Jim Crow on steroids” really gave the MLB a choice.

And guess who the other racial arsonist is now expressing regret over the Democrat-run city of Atlanta losing a much-needed $100 million?

Governor-In-Her-Own-Twisted-Mind Stacey Abrams:

My full statement on @MLB All-Star Game:

Stacey Abrams Website

— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) April 2, 2021

“Like many Georgians, I am disappointed that the MLB is relocating the All-Star game … As I have stated, I respect all boycotts, although, I do not want to see Georgia’s families hurt by lost events or jobs.”

Too late, sweetheart, your demagoguery and straight-up lies just wiped out $100 million for your own Democrats in Atlanta.

And her statement is also a lie. Georgians were not hurt by this. The people of Atlanta were hurt by this, and that’s what makes the irony of it all so delicious.

You morons in Atlanta got exactly what you voted for: lies and racial arson, and now you’re out $100 million, and all I can say is LOL.

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