Loudness Maximizer Adobe Audition

Audition was to change all that. In 2006, Audition 2 was released and was considered a major update with a new user interface, VST support, improved tools and effects, ASIO drivers support and more. Version 2 cemented the fact that Adobe was serious in competing in the audio software marketplace. AUDITION AUDIO PRESETS: (My Gear (My Channel (https://www.patreon.com/olive. LoudMax Plugin v1.37 released. LoudMax is a Look-Ahead Brickwall Loudness Maximizer Plugin with a clean transparent sound. It is designed to retain the original character of the music as much as possible even at high compression levels. Downloads: VST Plugin v1.37 for Windows PC 32/64bit. AU/VST Plugins v1.37 for Mac OS X 64bit (OS 10.14 - 10.15).

Are you trying to figure out how to adjust the volume of your podcast? Did you know there are industry standards around podcast loudness? Are you curious what LUFS are or what LUFS stands for?

If you’re using Adobe Audition CC to edit audio and answered yes to any of the previous podcast loudness related questions, then this article is for you.

To prevent the poor user experience of constantly adjusting their volume or one piece of audio being substantially louder than another, many podcatchers/podcast aggregators like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, etc. recommend using a loudness measure of -16 LUFS in podcasts and spoken word audio.

How to adjust the loudness of audio using LUFS as a measure in Adobe Audition?

  • Open Adobe Audition CC
  • Navigate to the Window menu and open that
  • Select or ensure that Match Loudness is selected in the menu
  • Locate the Match Loudness window
  • Select the Match To option of ITU-R BS.1770–3 Loudness from within the Match Loudness window
  • Drag and drop an audio file like a .wav or .mp3 into the window in the area that says “Drag and drop supported media files here”
  • Click on the value next to LUFS
  • Adjust the LUFs value to your desired LUFS setting which in this case is -16
  • Click on Export Settings to inspect the settings that will be utilized for any files that the Match Loudness process creates
  • After inspecting and/or adjusting the Export settings click OK
  • Then click Run in the match settings window to create the new LUFS adjusted file(s)
  • Look on your filesystem in the location specified in the Export Settings for the Match Loudness Process to find the new file(s)

That’s it! Now your audio is good to go with the desired LUFS setting.

It should be noted that the following panels are opened automatically while using the Default setting. You can add or remove panels by going to the Window Menu. To change the setting, you can go to Window > Workspace and choose a new setting.


Learn more about the different panels that make up the interface of Adobe Audition below!


The Editor Panel is the space where audio clips are brought in to edit directly and/or add effects. Here is where you will be able to use editing tools such as the Razor Tool and Time Selection Tool to manipulate any audio within this panel. Audio clips brought into this panel might look slightly different depending on whether you are in Waveform or Multitrack view.

Editor Panel in Multitrack View:

Editor Panel in Waveform View:


The Files Panel is where all audio files recorded into Audition (while on Waveform view) are automatically saved to. They can be referenced here and be brought into Multitrack view for further editing by simply clicking and dragging the audio file into the Editor Panel.

You can also import audio clips stored in your computer or external hard drive by clicking on the folder icon with the arrow pointing right and locating your file.

To have clips automatically play a preview once they're clicked, click on the Auto-Play button found near the bottom of the panel to activate it.

Media Browser

The Media Browser is a more detailed and quicker way to preview and import clips.

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  • To create a shortcut to a folder you will be referencing a lot during a project, select the folder, click on the the plus sign near the top of the panel, and choose 'Add Shortcut for Selected Folder(s)'.

    FOR THIS EXAMPLE: locate the Class Files folder you downloaded earlier and add it to Shortcuts.

  • To have clips automatically play a preview once they're clicked, click on the Auto-Play button found near the bottom of the panel to activate it.
  • To import clips, simply click and drag the clip(s) to the Editor Panel.

Effects Rack Panel

The Effects Rack Panel allows you to see all the effects that have been added to a single selected audio clip.

  • The Effects Rack Panel is in the same area as the Media Browser Panel. To bring it up, click the two right arrows and select Effects Rack from the options. It will also automatically be brought up whenever you add an effect to an audio clip.
  • To delete any effect, simply click on it and press the Backspace/Delete key on your keyboard, or click on the trashcan icon next to the presets.
  • To edit an effect, double-click on it to bring up it's corresponding pop-up box.

History Panel

The History Panel allows you to see all of the edits that have been made to a project and allows you to navigate to different versions of the project before certain edits were made. You can go back to particular versions of project by permenantly deleting certain edits, however any edit that is deleted will also delete any edits that came after it.

Loudness Maximizer Adobe Audition

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar has all of the tools and actions needed to complete our sound projects. We will be navigating the File, Edit, Clip, and Effects menus later on in this training, but feel free to explore for yourself the many different editing resources Audition provides!

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The Window Menu is where you can open or close different panels that appear within your workspace. Depending on what setting you are in (for us it's the Default setting), certain panels will already be selected under this menu, while others not. To add panels, simply click on one not yet selected from the Window Menu. Similarly, to remove panels, simply click on one already selected from the Window Menu.

Waveform vs. Multitrack View

Adobe Audition offers two session types to edit audio. One may be a better choice than the other, depending on what project needs to be completed. Read below to learn more about Waveform and Multitrack view.


The Waveform view is a destructive editing area for a single audio file which means all edits are permanant to the original file once saved. You can always undo (Ctrl + Z/Cmd + Z) edits and save the file again to keep a past version of the file.

In case you want to record audio directly to Adobe Audition, make sure you are on the Waveform view as it is the only one of the two sessions that allows you to do so.


Loudness Maximizer Adobe Audition

The Multitrack view is a non-destructive editing area for multiple audio files, which means that all cuts, edits, and effects done or added to the audio clips in one project will not change the original audio files.

Adobe Audition 1.5

All audio recorded in Waveform view can be brought into Multitrack view via the Files Panel.