
There are a lot of subnet calculators out there. What makes Pinkie’s SubnetCalc unique is its level of details and the amount of information you get back as well as the flexibility to customize the way information is displayed to you.

Subnet Calculator Download

First and foremost, Pinkie’s SubnetCalc is the first subnet calculator to capture both IPv4 & IPv6 details and present it to you on a well designed screen.

Ipv4 network address calculator

Once again, Pinkie is smart enough to figure out whether it’s dealing with IPv4 or IPv6 and display the appropriate information. Whether you want to find the Network ID, Broadcast ID, Wildcard Mask, address range or block size, Pinkie will calculate that and display them all to you.

Free TCP/IP Network Calculators. Includes web-based Subnet, Supernet and network / node calculators.

If you want to learn more about IPv6, Pinkie is a must have tools. Besides the subnet calculator, Pinkie also gives you the ability to learn more about the address type you are dealing with. When you enter an ip address, Pinkie will analyze it, then activate the Tell Me More button whose role is to get you more information about the address in question.

One of the most confusing aspect of an IPv6 address is all the variants of the same IP address. When you enter an IP address, Pinkie’s SubnetCalc will display all the variants to you; whether it be a shorten address (compressed), expanded or in alternative format.

  • This free online IP subnet calculator covers both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, providing information such as IP address, network address, subnet mask, IP range, and more. Also, explore hundreds of other math, financial, fitness, and health calculators.
  • Calculate the network address, netmask, minimum address, maximum address, and more from a given subnet.

Subnet Calculator Cheat Sheet

Subnet calculator download

Alias for mac. Oh, have I mentioned that the SubnetCalc is intelligent enough to figure out any type of address you throw at it and in whatever format you might use (be it IPv4, IPv6, anycast, unicast, teredo, IPv4 compatible, IPv4 mapped, compressed or not…)

Subnet Calculator Ipv6

Intrigured? Download Pinkie and try it out.