Sonarqube Visual Studio 2019

  1. Sonar Visual Studio 2019
  2. Connect Sonarlint To Sonarqube

SonarLink is an extension for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 which makes it easy to visualize SonarQube issues. It enables you to connect your local solution to a SonarQube server, allowing you to retrieve issues directly from within the IDE. Universal solution that support all programming languages. Language-Specific Properties. Discover and update the C#-specific properties in: Administration General Settings C#. Analyze Generated Code. To analyze tool-generated code (e.g. WCF code generated by SvcUtil.exe, protobuf code generated by protoc, Swagger client code generated by NSwag) for a specific C# project, enable the 'Analyze generated code' setting inside Project Administration. SonarQube Extension fro Visual Studio 2019. Support new vs versions augment teams files. Extension for Visual Studio - Roslyn based static code analysis: Find and instantly fix nasty bugs and code smells in C#, VB.Net, C. SonarLint can be connected to a SonarQube server or SonarCloud to share rulesets, get event notifications and use a resolution flow. Learn more about SonarQube.

Sonar Visual Studio 2019

We recently configured SonarQube to analyse our project builds (using on-premise Azure DevOps) and it’s great to see the results. In an ideal world our developers would get to see the SonarQube issues on their machine before check-in. We have a very large codebase, consisting of 15-20 solution files, with each solution containing tens of projects (c# and We have a single SonarQube project covering our entire codebase.

I’ve downloaded and installed SonarLint on my machine, and configured a connection to or SonarQube server. I opened one solution and did a bind to our SonarQube project. It checked-out all the project files in the solution and added a ruleset file. Is this correct? Is there a way to create a global ruleset that we can use from all our projects?


Connect Sonarlint To Sonarqube


If I right-click in solution explorer and choose “Analyse and Code Cleanup/Run code analysis” the results seem a bit hit and miss. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a web page that describes the best way to setup and integrate with a large codebase?


UPDATE: I’ve read through I’m using connected mode, I don’t have nuget analysers installed. That issue refers to “A second stage will be stop generating a ruleset file per project, but instead just to set the ruleset property in the project file to point directly to the solution-level ruleset file”. Has this second stage been done? It seems that every time I open a solution I’m prompted by SonarLint “One or more rulesets are out of data or not linked to the SonarQube quality profile ruleset…”. If I click update then a ruleset is added for each project file, which I’m trying to avoid.
